Upgrade Aakash tablet from ICS to Jelly Bean


  1. Windows XP/Vista/7 system.
  2. GNU/Linux system.
  3. Make sure your tablet battery is at least 70% charged.
  4. Minimum 2GB Micro-SD card

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Install CyanogenMod-10 on Aakash tablet


  • Make sure your tablet is at least 70% charged.

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Swap internal and external memory on Android

Why increase the internal memory?

Android device comes with limited internal memory. This internal memory may soon get consumed by installed application and other media. Soon there is no space left for new applications and you are out of your phone’s memory.

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Give write permissions to external memory(/mnt/extsd) on Android

On a rooted Android device, you can modify your /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml to fix the permissions issue.

  • On the terminal, enter:
    adb pull /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml
  • Modify platform.xml such that media_rw is included in WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission:
    <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" >
      <group gid="sdcard_rw" />
      <group gid="media_rw" />
  • Push your changes
    adb push platform.xml /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml
  • Finally restart your device.

Extract an APK from Android

Follow the steps to pull or extract an installed apk from android device. This works on ‘rooted’ as well as un-rooted device.

  • Determine the package name of the application. The naming convention is “com.organization-name.app-name”, for example com.android.gtalk. Type:
    adb shell pm list packages

    Look through the list of package names and try to find a match between the app name and the package name. This should be simple in most cases, but sometimes the package name can be completely unrelated to the app name. In such case visit the app on play.google.com and scan the URL. For example, in the URL https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kiloo.subwaysurf&hl=en, the package name is com.kiloo.subwaysurf.

  • Now get the full path of the APK file using:
    adb shell pm path com.example.someapp

    The output will look something like this:

  • Pull the APK file from the Android device using:
    adb pull /data/app/com.example.someapp-2.apk

Upgrade Samsung GT-s5830i from 2.3 to 4.1(with JellyBlast ROM)

Upgrade Samsung GT-s5830i from 2.3 to 4.1(with JellyBlast ROM)

Warning: Rooting can void your phone’s warranty. Please follow the steps at your own risk. You must really be a brave heart to root and upgrade you ROM. Follow the steps exactly, unable to do so can brick your phone and make it unusable(for life). Headphones are not detected so you need to install ‘SoundAbout’ from Google play. You need to buy licensed version of ‘SoundAbout’ to enable calling using headphones

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